Seeking a secure and effortless path for med-tech compliance as a manufacturer?

If so, we have you covered.

eIFUApp is an affordable, easy to use compliance solution put together by a team of professionals who have previously supported the likes of Merck, Hologic, Orthofix and more.

Are compliance, efficiency, and safety your priorities?

Unlock the power of eIFU App: compliance made easy, efficient, and secure.

Streamlined Online Distribution

Effortlessly distribute essential regulatory documents via our compliant, corporate-tailored website.

Immediate Updates, Reduced Risk

Make quick changes without recalls, ensuring accuracy for improved safety with Electronic IFUs.

Eco-Friendly, Cost-Saving Solution

Save on paper and costs while simplifying document management for a more eco-friendly solution.

Simplified Accessibility & Readability

Easily access, track changes, and present eIFU information in user-friendly formats for better understanding.

Benefits of eiFU App

User-friendly, customizable, and compliant platform with smart search, multilingual support, and risk reduction.

Support & Compliance Assurance

Gain guidance, audit assistance, training, ongoing support, and compliance with EU, and FDA regulations.